"3-4 Year Olds" Program at Ready Set Grow Learning Center
At this age children gain curiosity about themselves and their surroundings. Our Program is designed to reinforce and nurture their inquisitive behavior and provide the basic tools of learning without altering their individual lifestyles.
Program Goals are for the children to learn:
to make good and responsible decisions about their behaviors
to cooperate with other children and adults
to communicate with others about their experiences and feelings
to take initiate and solve problems
to gain reading and math readiness and concepts
The children constantly learn at various times of the day, whether it'll be work time, cleanup time, circle time, small group time or outside time. By calling each period of the day by name, children learn a sense of time and order. Children also learn to identify each area ofd the room (i.e. the art area, quiet area, housekeeping area and the block area) as well as where materials and supplies belong, because each area is labeled with pictures and words.
The daily lesson plans are developed and organized by teachers around "key experiences" designed to develop in young children an understanding of:
language and literacy
initiative and social relations
music and movement
creative representation